
Results: 22254

971Dan Satterberg Prosecuting Attorney, King County (Washington) Dan Satterberg was elected King County Prosecuting Attorney in November 2007 to succeed his longtime friend and mentor, the late Norm Maleng. He was re-electe

Dan Satterberg Prosecuting Attorney, King County (Washington) Dan Satterberg was elected King County Prosecuting Attorney in November 2007 to succeed his longtime friend and mentor, the late Norm Maleng. He was re-electe

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Source URL: higherlogicdownload.s3.amazonaws.com

- Date: 2016-08-23 15:04:09
    972Robust and Efficient Elimination of Cache and Timing Side Channels Benjamin A. Braun1 , Suman Jana1 , and Dan Boneh1 arXiv:1506.00189v2 [cs.CR] 31 Aug 2015

    Robust and Efficient Elimination of Cache and Timing Side Channels Benjamin A. Braun1 , Suman Jana1 , and Dan Boneh1 arXiv:1506.00189v2 [cs.CR] 31 Aug 2015

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    Source URL: arxiv.org

    - Date: 2015-08-31 23:55:14
      973Some Advanced ML Features Mooly Sagiv Michael Clarkson, Cornell CS 3110 Data Structures and Functional Programming University of Washington: Dan Grossman

      Some Advanced ML Features Mooly Sagiv Michael Clarkson, Cornell CS 3110 Data Structures and Functional Programming University of Washington: Dan Grossman

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      Source URL: www.cs.tau.ac.il

      - Date: 2015-05-05 04:37:28
        974Real-time Joint Tracking of a Hand Manipulating an Object from RGB-D Input Srinath Sridhar1 Dan Casas1  Franziska Mueller1

        Real-time Joint Tracking of a Hand Manipulating an Object from RGB-D Input Srinath Sridhar1 Dan Casas1 Franziska Mueller1

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        Source URL: gvv.mpi-inf.mpg.de

        - Date: 2016-08-15 09:01:36
          975The character table for E8 David Vogan* Department of Mathematics, MIT Jeffrey Adams Dan Barbasch Birne Binegar

          The character table for E8 David Vogan* Department of Mathematics, MIT Jeffrey Adams Dan Barbasch Birne Binegar

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          Source URL: www-math.mit.edu

          - Date: 2007-06-14 09:35:39
            976Privacy, Discovery, and Authentication for the Internet of Things (Extended Version) arXiv:1604.06959v2 [cs.CR] 11 JulDavid J. Wu1 , Ankur Taly2 , Asim Shankar2 , and Dan Boneh1

            Privacy, Discovery, and Authentication for the Internet of Things (Extended Version) arXiv:1604.06959v2 [cs.CR] 11 JulDavid J. Wu1 , Ankur Taly2 , Asim Shankar2 , and Dan Boneh1

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            Source URL: arxiv.org

            - Date: 2016-07-11 20:32:25
              977Bridging Legacy Voice Applications with WebRTC and the Cloud Dan Cunningham  CTO ReadyTalk

              Bridging Legacy Voice Applications with WebRTC and the Cloud Dan Cunningham CTO ReadyTalk

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              Source URL: res.cdn.sys-con.com

              - Date: 2016-11-15 13:29:18
                978Nuestros productos se elaboran a partir de una materia prima excelente que, después de pasar por nuestro misterioso y meticuloso proceso de ahumado, dan lugar a un manjar realmente delicado lleno de matices para el pala

                Nuestros productos se elaboran a partir de una materia prima excelente que, después de pasar por nuestro misterioso y meticuloso proceso de ahumado, dan lugar a un manjar realmente delicado lleno de matices para el pala

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                Source URL: www.ahumadosdominguez.es

                - Date: 2014-06-23 04:24:19
                  979Karateclub Rheinfelden Sensei Sahin, 6. Dan  ♦ +14 Swiss Karate Federation SKF World Shotokan Karate- Do Federation WSKF

                  Karateclub Rheinfelden Sensei Sahin, 6. Dan ♦ +14 Swiss Karate Federation SKF World Shotokan Karate- Do Federation WSKF

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                  Source URL: karateclub-rheinfelden.ch.inn.host.ch

                    980Fotoğraflar: TOBB Fotoğraf Servisi  Odalar ve Borsalar ◗ Alaşehir TB’de 34 çiftçiye sertifikaları verildi ◗ Ardahan TSO’dan “mesleki eğitim ve istihdam” seferberliği

                    Fotoğraflar: TOBB Fotoğraf Servisi Odalar ve Borsalar ◗ Alaşehir TB’de 34 çiftçiye sertifikaları verildi ◗ Ardahan TSO’dan “mesleki eğitim ve istihdam” seferberliği

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                    Source URL: haber.tobb.org.tr

                    - Date: 2016-12-09 09:56:00